Haley is an Executive Mindset | Manifestation & Wellness Coach passionate about leading clients to embrace change and find their best self. She takes a holistic view as she helps guide clients to achieve their goals. She believes balance in career, relationships, nutrition, physical activity & spirituality is vital to achieving your dream life.

Haley has been passionate about health and wellness her entire life. She started her career at an early age on Wall Street and spent the majority of her time in the media|entertainment industry and has a strong background in producing unique experiences for audiences of all shapes and sizes.

In 2014, Haley officially began her career transition from entertainment to the wellness field when she started studying Stress Reduction in the Workplace through Yoga and Meditation as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine at DePaul University. Having experienced firsthand the high-pressured stress, anxiety and burnout of working in Corporate America (for both herself as well as her teams) she knew she needed to make a change.

Since then she has earned her health coaching certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City, her mindset and personal development coaching certification from the Proctor Gallagher Institute as well as her Yoga Teacher and Meditation Certification from YogaView in Chicago.

Haley’s background in entertainment helps her keep her practice fun, inspiring and motivational for all of her clients.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her kids, reading, practicing yoga, golf and cheering her beloved Green Bay Packers on to Super Bowl victories.


Much like many of us, I grew up with a certain paradigm where dreaming big

had its limitations. I quietly questioned why different people

work at the same rate, and yet their results are miles apart.

The good news is that my curiosity led me to my dream results.

The better news is I can teach you.

Book a call and let’s map out the path to your dreams